Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Bike is in!

Well...Last Friday (March 7th, 2008) I picked up the new beemer. It's a 2008 BMW R 1200 GS, Namibia Orange!

Date: March 7th, 2008
My General Condition: Drooling
General Observations: Smoother Ride than I could have imagined.
Starting Point: Gill, MA
Ending Point: Home
Miles Ridden: 37
General Weather: 52 degrees at the Start and 41 degrees at the end and cloudy
Ride Conditions: Mostly dry roads, the occasional puddle
Interesting Events: Backs of my legs got wet from the few little puddles...hmmm...will have to look into a resolution to that. Think it has something to do with the open design in the frame...believe there are body parts to add on which, keep you dry.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Blog is changing

Date: 02/11/08
My General Condition: Great
General Observations: After my big trip I realized that it was basically just a scouting trip cause I didn't see all I wanted and I didn't have the right bike to really do the trip the way I would have wanted. Don't mis-understand I loved the trip...its just that is showed me that I want to do those types of trips allot. Therefore I started looking at a replacement bike. After 5 months of research, test rides and apparently driving my wife nuts...we agreed last night that I need to just trade in my Goose for a Beemer. I need something that will be are plentiful...will last for many long years to big enough (sturdy) for 2 up...The Beemer won all the categories...
Starting Point: Home
Ending Point: Home
Miles Ridden: 0
General Weather: 13Degrees and snow on the ground
Ride Conditions: Horrible
Interesting Events: Decided on my next bike...BMW R1200 GS