Date: 02/11/08
My General Condition: Great
General Observations: After my big trip I realized that it was basically just a scouting trip cause I didn't see all I wanted and I didn't have the right bike to really do the trip the way I would have wanted. Don't mis-understand I loved the trip...its just that is showed me that I want to do those types of trips allot. Therefore I started looking at a replacement bike. After 5 months of research, test rides and apparently driving my wife nuts...we agreed last night that I need to just trade in my Goose for a Beemer. I need something that will be are plentiful...will last for many long years to big enough (sturdy) for 2 up...The Beemer won all the categories...
Starting Point: Home
Ending Point: Home
Miles Ridden: 0
General Weather: 13Degrees and snow on the ground
Ride Conditions: Horrible
Interesting Events: Decided on my next bike...BMW R1200 GS