So getting out the door was a little challenging. My desire is usually to take as little gear and other personal items on the bike as possible when I usually comes down to a compromise though. This morning was a beautiful spring morning in New England, it was crisp and clear, not a cloud in the light blue sky. The temperature was 62 degrees in the shade and 71 degrees in the sun. While getting my gear together for my commute to the office I turned on the weather channel in the background.
Hmmm...what do I need to bring with me...gulping down my coffee, as I can't drink and ride. Well, I didn't bring my laptop home (rarely do anymore) so, I don't need to worry about that. I'll need to bring the top box which always has the New England basics stored inside; warm riding gloves, thermal undershirt, second pair of wool socks, glove liners, sweatshirt and a neck gator. Also in the box is an unopened bottle of water, gatorade/lemonade packets, Bike log, registration, notebook and my trusty mechanical pencil. As I am going through the inventory in my head I am thinking, "This is great, another light pack day. Just the one box of standards and I am one the rode. That's when I catch the weather channel voice say in the background, "...scattered thunder showers in the evening hours with a chance of heavy rains possible." The list just got longer. Now I need to pull out the liner bag kit and the side panniers for the bike...